Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012 - Storytime!

It was a bitter cold December evening in 2006. Christmas was on everyone's mind. Fresh powder had hit the night before, but all but disappeared by now. White lights outlined the buildings  in the shopping area across from the mall. It was a night for festivities.

3 friends and myself decided to celebrate that Yule feeling by attending a farcical movie. One that could engender belly laughs and transform the cold air into warm memories. We chose Borat. 
Harbinger of Doom
Upon the conclusion of the movie, the imitations began. "My wife," we said. "Like sleeve of wizard," we erupted with laughter. Nothing could bring us down from that raucous movie-going experience. 

That is until, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed four young men following. They were keeping their distance from us, but it didn't seem like anything too unusual. As we continued walking, these four gentleman kept getting closer and closer. They appeared to be whispering something, so we decided to head into the local GameStop to kill some time.

As we emerged though, they were still nearby. "What's up with it, Vanilla Face?" I wondered. Four of them, four of us. They got closer and closer and then a punch. 

A fist hit the back of my friends head and he went down. Then my next friend was on the ground. I knew I would be hit anytime. So my instincts took over. My eyes grew steely, my hands raising in the air, and my head turning away from them. The scowl on my face turned to one of whimpering and pussying-out. I ran away and hid behind a car.

Eventually, the hooligans left, and my friends had some bruises. I was perfectly fine. "Great success," I said. They were not amused.

Why did I tell this story? It certainly doesn't paint me in a positive light, and it makes seem cowardly and frightened. Yet, contained within it is a human element. Rather than telling a story of cocksure confidence where I took on all four guys myself, this one has the ring of truth. It's sincere and commands a level of respect for being honest. It passes the validity test, and puts in a state of trustworthiness. I have evoked change within.

Story U+2192.svgMessage U+2192.svg Change
That's the key.

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