Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012 - New Hampshire Primaries, Doomsday Clock, Mark Davis, Girl Scout Cookies, Sharia Law, Van der Sloot

Now that I've got your attention, this class was all about knowing your audience. And what do I know about my audience? They love sexy women, cute kittens, and baconators.

My audience is the general audience, and if you want to relate to them, you've got to speak in the language of the masses. My title includes the top google searches, and pictures are worth a thousand words, they say. Which is useful since most Americans are illiterate. A 5th grade reading level is the average for most adults in the US. For reference, Little House on the Prairie is about as tough as it gets for a 5th grader.

People are also very, very lazy. As animals, we have two desires: food and sex.

This man tried to combine them. 
Scientists would call laziness, homeostasis. Mankind wants to exert as little energy as possible while achieving his desires.

Therefore, if a message is sent that appeals to these core elements, there's a greater chance of breaking through the WIIFM Barrier. 

Finally, due to mankind's short attention span, it's important to keep messages short and sweet. A limited, witty batch of information targeted directly at your audience is a great way to end a story. An informational torpedo to bust through the barrier.
I call them "infopedoes."

Note: My professor is not George Costanza, despite the similar appearance.

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