Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012 - Dialog (Also movies)

What do these two videos have in common? Great dialog, of course!

Each of these scenes has characters that change the flow of power throughout the scene with dialog to match. Notice the way Gunnery Sergeant Hartman changes his tone when talking with Private Joker. Or the way Barton Fink begins the scene as tense and terse, but ends it as pretentious and friendly.

Dialog is important to crafting excellent characters and there are a few things to watch out for.

-Don't have the names repeated over and over.
-Don't make the dialog sound weird
-Conversely, don't make it sound too "real." Real is boring, and has no precision.
-Write your characters differently. Not everyone should sound the same. Especially men and women.
-Drop the niceties and pleasantries. They're useless.
-Add movement, facial expressions, and silence. These all aid in avoiding overwriting.

Great dialog can be yours! You are a writer! You create! You are a creator!

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