Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17, 2012 - Creativity

Creativity. Where does it come from? Where does it go? Where does it come from, Cotton-eyed Joe?
Amazingly, in a totally uncreative fashion, there is a step-by-step process for finding and using creativity. (Yes, I see the irony in this).

Step 1. Hunt and Gather
Cavemen were some of the most creative types on the planet. They invented fires and wheels and got prehistoric animals to do their bidding. (All my neanderthal knowledge is from Flintstones.) And just like cavemen, we've got to hunt and gather ideas. Whether it be the internet or joining a different social group or watching the news. If you could hang out with the crazy homeless. They're full of unique insights into the inner machinations of the world.

At least he still has a closet.
2. Play with it. ; )
Work with your ideas. Brainstorm, or draw flow charts. Perhaps do some word association to get the mind flowing. Get all your good thoughts on paper and organize them. Switch around characters or conflicts. Just have fun.

3. Let it stew.
Then, after the fun, just walk away. Store it in a dark, cold place for a while so you have time away from it. This time is essential for forming new connections and thoughts in the brain. This step may not seem essential, but it is. 

And then, baby, you got yourself a stew goin'

4. Eureka!
One day, when you least expect it, you'll by the best idea you've had that will combine everything you've been thinking about. Your Eureka moment!

Eureka, I found that chicken bone.
5. Just Do It
Write it. Workshop it. Make it happen. Nobody ever great became great by being scared and lazy of their own creativity. Do you think Carl Weathers would be the Apollo Creed we all know and love if he had been scared and lazy. Would Carl Weathers run for governor if he wasn't the black guy from Predator? He's got the Apollo Creed-entials.

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